How to make a kite?

Before we fly a kite it is a good idea to learn how to make one.Let's look at these steps to make a fighter kite.

What you need:
1. a light piece of square paper or plastic (about 40×40 cm)

2. two thin bamboo splints.One is the same length of the diagonal of the paper.The other is a little longer.

3. small pieces of paper

4. glue


How to make it:
1. Take the pieces of paper and the shorter bamboo splint.Stick the splint along the diagnoal with the help of glue and the small pieces of paper.

2. Now take the longer bamboo splint.Bend it and stick it across the other diagonal with the help of glue and pieces of paper.Your kite should look somewhat like this now.

3. Make two tiny holes on both sides of the splint at the center of the paper. Choose the diagonal where the straight bamboo splint is.

4. Now make two similar holes where the two bamboo splints meet.

5.Then,cut a piece of the string about 40 cm long.Insert it through the holes that you have made and tie it.The string should now make a triangle shape when you hold it up.This is called the bridle of the kite.Tie the spool of string to it.

6. Finally, add a small fin to the tail of your kite.Take two pieces of triangle-shaped paper.Take two small thin pieces of bamboo sticks and paste it to make a fin.The fin should be at the end of the straight bamboo splint.

Now,you are ready to fly your kite.


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